Combinatul de Celuloza si Hartie SA

The company CELROM PACKAGING PROJECT SRL is a relatively new company but part of the group of companies COMBINATUL DE CELULOZA SI HARTIE SA. Until February 2023, we operated under the name COMBINATUL DE CELULOZA SI HARTIE SA, but after that date, the company's shareholders decided to separate the paper production activities from the cardboard packaging production activities.
COMBINATUL DE CELULOZA SI HARTIE SA is the only company in Romania specialized in the production of semi-chemical fluting paper, with a production capacity of 80,000 tons/year.
At the moment, we produce the following types of paper:
Semi-Chemical Fluting Paper 1
Semi-Chemical Fluting Paper 2
COMBINATUL DE CELULOZA SI HARTIE SA sells the product "semi-chemical fluting paper" in various markets from Europe to the Middle East, with clients including companies such as DS Smith Group (Austria, Greece), International Paper (Italy, Morocco, Spain), Mondi Turkey, Modern Packaging (New Greece), Smurfit Kappa (Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Italy). In the future, the goal is to increase production capacity and also diversify products (semi-chemical paper, testliner starting from a grammage of 100gsm up to 200gsm).

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