Stäubli - A commitment to future technologies and the next generation of specialists

May 11, 2021


For ten years now, young engineers in Europe have been competing in the Formula Student for electric motorsports to experiment with emerging e-mobility technologies. The multidisciplinary projects designed by these young engineers have to excel in a variety of different areas, including technical endurance, efficiency, acceleration and handling, as well as their engineering design, costs and business plan. The electric race cars built by each team are tested, evaluated and rewarded. The process was much the same this year — though with a few differences and a reduced scope. But despite the changed situation, the teams were motivated to work hard on their designs, optimize their functionality and performance, and achieve exceptional results.



Stäubli Electrical Connectors has always been committed to innovation and forward-looking technologies, which is why it also contributes its know-how, experience and high-performance products to electric motorsports projects led by the next generation of talent at universities. This year, Stäubli again supported the TUfast Team at the Technical University of Munich with robust, high-performance connectors and associated cable solutions. In Switzerland, too, at ETH Zurich, the young engineers of the AMZ Racing Team were equipped with electrical connector components and safe fluid couplings. The teams select the best technical solutions on the market to achieve first-class results.


In the field of high-speed transportation with the Hyperloop, Stäubli Electrical Connectors supports the young Swissloop team at ETH Zurich with electrical connectors and expertise for the most efficient, low-loss power transmission available.


Stäubli experts learn a lot from their discussions with young technicians and from evaluating their specific powertrain concepts. While industry support helps the talented young engineers to expand their knowledge and achieve top-tier performance with their custom vehicles.

